Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mass Moral Monday

So far I have attended two of the Monday gatherings on Halifax Mall. I was there out of interest as well as support, but as I plan to keep this forum non-political I will keep the position of a reporter.

The first thing that strikes you is the mix of people--male, female, White, African-American, Latino, seniors, middle-aged, young and lots of little children. Although from the content of the signs and the message booming from the PA you can tell the business is serious, there is nonetheless a festive atmosphere of sorts. At times it was like The Festival for the Eno was transported to Halifax mall.

You sober up pretty fast, however, when you see ministers, doctors, lawyers, and educators in effect lining up to be arrested. There is a bit of a hush as they amble toward the bridge--the ailing and infirm being helped by the others-- that will take them into the Legislature building and ultimately to plasticuffs and processing.

Whatever your political views, this is not a gang of thugs out throwing rocks and looting in the streets; and they do matter.

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